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Who We Are

Women Leading Change Now (WLCN) was founded in 2007 by Right Hon Yvonne E. Gamble & Merthia Caston in Brentwood, CA, USA as a non-partisan political advocacy & political office training program.   


WLCN expanded its worldwide impact to change peoples’ lives towards sustainable self-reliance in 2020. Influencing people positively to claim their place and space in all spheres of life through information, empowerment, skills development and providing the necessary resources and mentorship.

WLCN officially revised its 501c3 Non-Profit Organization charter in 2024 to become a humanitarian organization advocating on behalf of humanity in leadership, business, environment, space exploration, work, and health assuring their impact on public policy, creation of economic opportunities and open access to form alliances with governing, regulatory and business to achieve sustainability. 


As an organization, we celebrate the rich diversity and praise many individuals and organizations who steadfastly remained committed to the breaking of the cycle of access marginalization to financial mechanisms, educational institutions and communications systems in the world at large.

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USA Ambassadors Worldwide Involvement

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Ambassador Baylan Megino
Director Asian Affairs

USA Mission Goals

Aligned with Lifesavers Ambassadors  International and to United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals 

UN Sustainable Goal #4
Quality Education

UN Sustainable Goal #8
Decent Work & Economic Growth


UN Sustainable Goal #9
Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure


UN Sustainable Goal #10
Reduced Inequalities, Income, Sex, Age, Opportunities


Our Mission

Our Vision

Ambassador Yvonne Gamble
USA Country Director

USA Ambassadors will create relationships, mutual mentorship, and support building of successful businesses. We will strive to provide educational information that is current and important in making strategic opportunity, education & business decisions. We continuously identify timely topics and seek leaders in their field to address them from different perspectives to enhance their knowledge and network base in this global economy.

@2025 by EliVonn Publishing Haas 

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